Saturday, July 7, 2012

Sports Management Classes

Although most of my posts on here will be about the experiential aspects of the trip (i.e. the sporting events and tourist things I may do), I am on this program for a large reason for academics. So here and there I will touch on our classes.

This past week we had our first set of classes. The first class is led by Jim McClean about PR in sports. As a person who enjoys writing on a daily basis, and watches sports on a daily basis...this field should be something of interest to myself. It's interesting how much of our world has aspects of sports in it. When it comes to the global business that revolves around sports, it's hard to not find yourself dreaming of being a part of it. So far in this Eller Sports Management class we have learned the history of PR and are now transitioning on how to reach out to a sports team's constituents.

Our second class is on International Sports Topics. Led by Dan Wickman, Brent Seebohm, and various guest lecturers from England and France we have already touched on numerous subjects. We have been assigned a book on the history of the Olympics, and the sponsorship/marketing/event planning that goes into such a massive global event. Assigned with reading this book, and other global current event topics from Sport Business magazine, I have already looked into careers with both the olympics and the EPL (the English Premier League - soccer).

Overall, the classes are intriguing and for my first sports studies classes, I have been completely immersed in learning everything I can. Test next week !

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