Friday, July 27, 2012

USOC Training Center

Finally settled in one place, we will be in the center of London for the next two weeks in this magnificent student living skyscraper!
Nido Spitalfields Student Living!
 I live on the 14th floor with my friend from elementary, middle, and high school in an apartment style room.

But on to the sports. Today we were allowed to tour the USOC (United States Olympic Committee) Training Center for Athletes. This is where a large majority of the athletes that represent the U.S. in the Olympics will train during the Olympics and some of them will actually stay here. It is over in East London...hence why my visitor pass says: University of East London.
With help from the University, the USOC was able to merge both elite training facilities with housing that fit the athletes needs and specifications. I was asked to not take any pictures of the facilities due to security reasons, so I will briefly explain some of what we saw.

Here below, is the only picture I got and it was of the food area where the athletes are provided with only the best food for their competitive training schedules. In addition to food there are dietary plans set for each type of athlete and a staff on hand to help out with every meal. Overall, everything is planned out to the finest detail as it may be that edge that America will have in this year's Olympics
After touring the cafe, we went to the actual training facility. Led by Rick Adams, the Managing Director of NGB Organizational Development for the USOC, we were allowed in the facilities only days before most of the athletes would arrive. I was amazed to find out that the U.S. government does not help with any payment for the USOC. The organization is completely non-profit and self funded by sponsorships and other main cash flows.

The training center had absolutely everything an athlete would need to compete on the highest level. After seeing this, there is no way an athlete from the U.S. can blame their training center as the reason behind a loss second or point. The USOC decked out the Sports Complex with equipment from their sponsor 24 Hour Fitness, and have basketball courts, martial arts rooms, trampolines for gymnastics, and the list goes on and on. Additionally, there are classrooms where we were given more insight to the University of East London, where the USOC campus is being hosted by, and the sports programs the University offers.

This tour, along with the contacts I made have planted the seed behind myself looking into a job possibly with the USOC in the future. The mix between high levels of sport and deep rooted cultural ties, the USOC perfects what competition should mean to this diverse world.

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